now this is what i call genius!!!O.O
"Dengeki Daisy" by Motomi Kyousuke is a very very unique manga.
I've already read this a long long time ago and currently reading again for the 10th time. XD
It's about a poor but kind girl, Teru Kurebayashi, whose "genius brother" died.Before he died, he gave her a mobile phone,connecting her to a person called "DAISY" whom he said,was going to protect her and be with her all the time.
With the help of his comforting text messages, Teru was able to recover and become cheerful again. She regarded DAISY as the most important person in the world.
One day, because of her carelessness,she broke a school window and being poor,she was not able to pay for it.
Enter Kurosaki Tasuku,the school janitor, who made Teru his slave in payment for the broken window. They were always fighting and Teru hated him,but despite that,she was able to know Tasuku's hidden attitude. Sure he was cruel and he tortures her but whenever she needed him,he was there.
It was later revealed that Tasuku was actually "DAISY",the one who always sends sweet and gentle text messages to Teru.
Many obstacles faced them,revealing DAISY's past and how he was the only person who was not allowed to love Teru.
Fortunately, he has companions to help him whenever things got out of hand.
I suggest you read the continuation yourself so as to not spoil the manga any further xD
It's very very good and you won't regret reading it.
With a mix of mystery and romance,you'll surely get super addicted and you'll join us people who always checks out new updates everyday wahahah :D
Oh yeah,i also suggest reading other works of the mangaka:
Seishun Survival
Otokomae!beads club
Penguin Prince
Beast Master
all are very nice!^w^
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